Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Fitness Journey

Ever wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and think to yourself “I wish I looked as good as Jacob Chartrand.”? Well, you probably never will haha. But if you want to try, here's how I got in such good shape.

1. Do consistently hard workouts
2. Eat consistently healthy

Sounds simple enough right? And it is, but simple does not mean easy. In fact it can be quite hard to do both, and up until about 2 years ago I didn't really do either. Now I've always been athletic and gotten a good amount of exercise, and even eaten fairly healthy. But I've also always really liked sweets and never followed a good workout program. Both of which needed to change.

First step, doing consistently hard workouts. Saw an infomercial about p90x at the beginning of summer 2010, and decided to do it with my brother. The first two weeks were brutal and I don't think I've ever been so sore in my life lol. However, after those two weeks it started to get easier for me and I started to see results. This gave me more motivation to continue and to workout even when I didn’t feel like it. After I finished all 90 days of it I went right into p90x+, then p90x one-on-one, then a combination of p90x and Insanity. I continued to to get stronger and improve my cardio throughout this time, but then I discovered Crossfit.....Hardest/most intense workouts I had ever done! Which I personally I really enjoyed. Soon after that though, I found out about Sealfit. Which is basically Crossfit style workouts, just 3-4 times longer (i.e. one of the hardest workout programs ever, if not the hardest!). And well I’ve been doing that ever since. Except recently I’ve been subbing in bodyweight moves for some of the weight lifting moves, which I am becoming a big advocate of and I'll explain why in future posts.

Second step, eating consistently healthy. This has been quite a long process, but it all started by giving up soda. Decided to do this kind of just randomly, but it was definitely inspired by God. And although I wouldn’t say it was easy to do at first, over time I've missed it less and less (haven't had any in over 2 years!). This has further expanded to sweets and pretty much any type of unhealthy foods. I've been working more and more on a balanced healthy diet. Which can be hard at times, especially when I’m really busy with college and friends want to go out to eat. But I’ve been able to maintain about 80% healthy - 20% not so healthy diet, and it’s probably more like 90%-10%.....Anyways, you can see the results for yourself:

August 2010 February 2012

P.S. Don't worry, in all future posts I will be covering many topics such as motivation for exercising, bodyweight workouts, how to get a six pack, etc....and not talking about myself really. Because frankly, who cares! ;)

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