Sunday, April 22, 2012

Are exercise machines a waste of your time?


I can not say this enough, but machines are pretty much a total waste of your time and money! Anyone (including trainers) who tells you otherwise, are wrong haha. They are just a big lie by the fitness industry to get you to buy their expensive equipment or get an overpriced gym membership so you can achieve maxim results! Alot of people don’t know enough to believe any different unfortunately….Just so we’re clear though, I’m not referring to rowing machines, they are good! I’m not really talking about treadmills or bikes either, those can have their place. For things like injury rehab and running during the winter. What I am referring to are machines for curling, back extensions, ab crunches, legs, lat pull downs, etc....and of course I can’t forget ellipticals (i.e. the “I’m lazy and I know it” machine....lame joke I know lol)

Now you may be wondering why these machines are a waist of time since they’re great for muscle isolation exercises and seem completely safe if not safer than free weights or bodyweight stuff. Both of which are true to some extent, but they’re also the problem with using machines. Let me explain:

- Isolation exercises are not a good way to train. Sure they will build your individual muscles, but not in a healthy way. In any activity outside the gym (especially athletic) your muscle work together, no matter what you are doing. When you train with isolation exercises though, you do not engage your stabilizing muscles. This can lead to injuries (due to distability of your muscles & joints), and will really prevent you from reaching your athletic potential. You need to do exercises that cause your muscles to be used together. Your body was designed to work this way! It doesn’t matter if you’re new to working out either, it’s still safer to never use machines. And if you don’t believe me, see what these Russian fitness experts have to say: "The novice must be taught from a base of mobility to progress to stability, just as an infant learns to stand by first moving, staggering and exploring the environment" - Prof. Verkhoshansky & Dr. Siff

- Another downside to using machines is that you will be building up micro-trauma (small injuries) for future problems. When you train in a fixed way it repetitively loads the same muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints in the same pattern, encouraging micro-trauma which can lead to injury. If you want to learn more about micro-trauma Wikipedia has a nice article about it.

- Machines are the easy way out. When you’re sitting down you’re body doesn’t have to work as hard, and thus doesn’t burn as many calories. Go to any gym and more often than not you will see overweight or out of shape people sitting on their butts using machines thinking they’re getting good exercise. When they’re really just hurting themselves in the long run.

If you are one of these people that uses machines, that’s ok! You probably didn’t know any better, I used to be in the same boat. Now that you do know though, it’s time to stop using stuff like this

and start using your own bodyweight....In my next blog post I will finally get around to showing alot of alternative exercise moves you can do with little to no equipment, and yet still get into really good shape! :)

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